Things You Can Do Leading Up Until Next League Of Path of Exile


In this article, we are going to go over a number of topics with things that you can do for the next couple of upcoming weeks leading towards the start of the POE 3.21.


Since we still have a little while till then a bunch of things that you can take advantage of. First thing you're going to see in the background is the Gauntlet in case you don't know.

The gauntlet is a hardcore Solo Self Found (SSF) race hosted by Zizaran where he partners with Shopify Rebellion and has a bunch of crowd sourcing. So pretty much donations so he can give out rewards for this event. The main reason I encourage this is because of the fact that it is a Hardcore and Solo Self Found thing.

POE Gauntlet

Even if like me, you are primarily Softcore Trade, it always does help getting the additional practice with leveling, with crafting, with the mechanics just because if you're not used to the Solo Self Found. And you have to do it for the race. You still get to take these skills. You learn back to Softcore Trade when the next League starts. So, the last couple of Gauntlets I've been playing them just to kind of try to get better at stuff right.

And as you can see, the reward thresholds aren't that bad and can reach level 50, 60 or 70 and that's not going to be very hard for as long as you follow like majority build guide or even if you make your own build. And go that way as long as you know how to make a well-rounded character. This starts on February 10th. And since I'm primarily PoE, this is the first thing that I wanted to draw attention to.

Diablo 3

So, the next thing is going to actually be jumping over to Diablo 3. Diablo 3 actually had its PTR for 2.7.5 start on the 31st of January and is going to be running for a week. This is the first time in a while that Blizzard's actually seemingly put a large amount of effort going into a season, like they've almost put as much stuff into this as your typical PoE season. They have a flust out season mechanic as well as they did do balancing with the skills and stuff, which they haven't done in forever.

Diablo 3

So, I'm going to be playing this just because it seems like it's going to be a crazy fun. I think the estimated date of Diablo 3 is February 17th for the season 28 start. But the PTR you can jump on there and start playing as of the 31st. So, as of today, that's something else you can do if you're done with the Gauntlet on the 17th. Apart from that, I believe this has only been out for about two weeks.

Torchlight Infinite Season 2

Torchlight Infinite Season 2

But about two weeks ago, Torchlight Infinite did start a new season. You've probably seen a lot of PoE content creators play that recently. I think they sponsored a bunch of PoE content creators to play it on the season launch. But I've been messing around with it. And honestly, it's pretty fun to play in your down time. So, if you wanted to give this a shot new season just started so might want to jump into that.